The Road Ahead
Looking at Opportunities in Cybersecurity
and Transport Security
The Road Ahead 2
Looking at Opportunities in Cybersecurity
and Transport Security
An Introduction to Grants and Proposal Writing
We invite you to join our first event in the new BSWN initiative Professional skills building opportunities on the groundbreaking seminar: "An Introduction to Grants and Proposal Writing." Moderator: Margarita Kalinina-Pohl, Director of CBRN Security Programat the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey (MIIS); Instructor: Meghan Rassmussen, Director […]
Black Sea Experts NucTalks
Mark the date on your calendar and join our upcoming NucTalks on August 29! This year, on the International Day against Nuclear Tests, we have the opportunity to hear first-hand testimony on the consequences of the use of nuclear weapons and the hopes of the younger generation for the peaceful use of nuclear energy.  Moderators: Masako Toki, […]
HR for Everyone: Volume I. Competencies — Basis of HR
Exciting News! #BSWN is thrilled to announce the launch of a new training opportunity designed exclusively for our members — "HR for Everyone: Volume I. Competencies - Basis of HR." […]