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Call for applications for Ukrainian scientists from BSWN partners
January 15, 2024

Ukrainian below
Call for applications for Ukrainian scientists, technicians, and engineers from BSWN friends Odesa Center for Nonproliferation.
Cost-free training in grant application writing, hybrid research vetting, individual cybersecurity, knowledge security training, and more.
Coalescion, a non-profit global security organization, in partnership with the Odesa Center for Nonproliferation and the Science & Technology Center in Ukraine, is pleased to invite interested Ukrainian scientists, technicians, and engineers (STEs) (professionals, Ph.D. researchers, and MS students) to attend a two-day training workshop.
If you are a Ukrainian scientist, technician, or engineer whose work has been disrupted due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, please join us.
The workshop will take place in Poland in early March 2024.
* Cost-free training on grant writing best practices, research vetting, intellectual property, knowledge security, individual cybersecurity, and sustainability.
* Coverage of travel to and accommodation at the place of the training.
* Coverage of other expenses during training participation via per diem.
* In some circumstances, online participation may be approved.
The language of the event is English, with consecutive translations into Ukrainian.
* Ukrainian specialists (MS/Ph.D. students, young, mid-career, and senior professionals) with advanced levels of CBRN-relevant knowledge and expertise in science, technology, and engineering who are interested in learning and applying the knowledge on the specified topics in their daily work.
* Representatives of public and private educational institutions, government-affiliated institutions, not-for-profit organizations, and for-profit organizations.
* Nonaffiliated individuals with careers in CBRN residing in Ukraine or relocated abroad due to the war (Ukrainian citizens/organizations legally residing in Ukraine on 24 February 2022).
To apply fill in the Google Form by January 15: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1EYVdMLvVXoJn3hebS1NpEKQTLDY9ROZbbqklNgIIzHo/edit.
Ми хочемо поділитися ініціативою наших друзів з Одеського центру питань нерозповсюдження.
Можливість для українських науковців та інженерів, чия діяльність була перервана через російське вторгнення в Україну від Одеського центру з питань нерозповсюдження, Coalescion та Українського Науково-Технологічного Центру.
Запрошуємо зацікавлених українських науковців та інженерів (STE) (професіоналів, аспірантів та студентів магістратури) взяти участь у дводенному навчальному семінарі “Hybrid Research Vetting, Individual Cybersecurity, and Knowledge Security Training”.
Мова заходу англійська з послідовним перекладом українською.
Аби дізнатися більше та подати заявку, переходьте за посиланням https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1EYVdMLvVXoJn3hebS1NpEKQTLDY9ROZbbqklNgIIzHo/edit.
Встигніть заповнити форму до 15 січня 2024.