“This exhibit was the first but very significant step for our network’s introduction to the international nuclear security community. This was a terrific opportunity for us to be seen and recognized. It was a very busy but incredibly inspiring week for our team. Personally, it was very important for me to witness the entry of our network in the professional world, to share our vision with other women across the globe and carry our network’s mission to unite women lead change, and make waves in nuclear security,” – commented the BSWN’s initiator and avid supporter Margarita Sevcik.
According to BSWN coordinator Наталия Клос (Nataliia Klos), during the exhibit the ВSWN team managed to inform more than 200 visitors about the activities of the network and promote its work in in the following areas: Nuclear Safety, Nuclear Security and Safeguards; Nuclear Nonproliferation; Advanced Nuclear Technologies; CBRN Security; and Gender Equity in the Nuclear Field.
BSWN also started a collaboration with the Atomic Reporters team, with whom the network will jointly cover important events in various nuclear fields.
One of the most creative features at the BSWN exhibit was an art performance, which emphasized the uniqueness of the approaches in the network’s work. The BSWN team used art as a form of reaching out to each visitor and making their experience at the exhibit more personal.
«More than 100 guests left their artistic “autographs” on the “atomic” canvas as a sign of their support for the newly created network. The canvas has become an artifact that will enter the BSWN collection. However, “the main magnet of BSWN lied in the network’s mission and professionalism,” emphasized Ірина Чередніченко (Iryna Cherednichenko), one of the exhibit organizers.
BSWN members also contributed to the work of the conference by presenting in technical sessions and actively participating in several side events and discussions focused on gender equality in nuclear field.